Thursday 27 October 2011

A Scientist's Story 2 : Nikola Tesla

Today's featured scientist on 'A Scientist's Story' is......
Nikola Tesla!


Hope you enjoy reading the short story of Nikola Tesla. There're so many amazing stories that I couldn't fit all in my comic strips. You can always read more about it yourself :)

Here are some photos of Nikola Tesla and his inventions:

The genius.

Nikola Tesla holding in his hands balls of flame.

Tesla's reading light.

Tesla's coil for car theft prevention. Awesome...

Future electricity generation... LOL

Have a great weekend!


Saturday 22 October 2011

Friday 14 October 2011

Momentum - Elastic and Inelastic Collision

Have a lovely weekend everyone! :)
All the best for those who are having exams now. Don't be too stressed up, just try your best :)


Momentum (Angry Bird Special) - Part 2

Continued from the previous lesson - Momentum...

Can you think of any application of the principle of conservation of momentum?

Here are some examples...

Newton's Cradle

Space Rockets

Can you think of more examples? ;)


Saturday 8 October 2011

A Scientist's Story 1: Richard Feynman

Hello everyone!

I just watched 'Feynman Series' on Youtube, it's very inspiring. I've always been inspired by scientists;their work, discovery, thoughts and passion are just amazing! I had an idea, why not make their stories into cartoon strips :P

Besides physics lessons on selected topics, I’ll occasionally post a special section “A Scientist’s Story”; inspiring stories of a great scientist each time. We’ll start with Richard Feynman, one of the greatest physicists of the 20th century. He won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1965.

You can read more about Feynman :) and watch his interview "Feynman's Father and Inertia" on Youtube

Here are some photos
Young Feynman with his parents and his dog.

Feynman and his bongos.

Feynman lecturing. He was also an excellent teacher.

Feynman making funny faces at the Nobel Prize. If you're interested, you can watch Feynman's talk about "Honours" on youtube

" I don't like honours. I appreciate it for the work that I did, and for people who appreciate it, and I know there's a lot of physicists who use my work, I don't need anything else....  The prize is the pleasure of finding the thing out, the kick in the discovery, the observation that other people use it - those are the real things, the honours are unreal to me. " - Feynman

Have a lovely Sunday!

xo Esther

Momentum (Angry Bird Special)

For all the Angry Bird Fans out there...!

You can download and play the game at google chrome web store :)

Have a fun Saturday night everyone!

Friday 7 October 2011


Hello everyone!
Welcome to "A Cartoon Guide to Physics"!

The physics contents are suitable for ALL BEGINNERS, STUDENTS and TEACHERS... and of course anyone who is interested :)

I hope these notes can help you to understand the physics concepts better. Of course you can just read them for pleasure :)

Feel free to email me if your have any questions or feedback :)
Hope you'll enjoy learning physics!

Esther Siam
Author / Illustrator